My Soulful Home

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Why I Garden

As if conjuring up magical transformations isn't reason enough, I thought I would share the other reasons why I  garden.

Been spending a tremendous amount of time in my garden lately.  

... I have something exciting to share about my garden so read on

While designing, digging and all the other delightful things we gardeners do, I have been pondering the whys of my deep passion for all things growing in the dirt.  

See if any strike a cord with you and do share why you are a gardener too.

White cone flower http://mysoulfulhome

Why I Garden:

  • gardening makes me eternally hopefully & forever grateful
  • to bestow nurturing  ~ gardening is like mothering
  • it makes me live in the moment ~ nothing lasts in the garden and nothing stays the same
  • while it may appear a safe pursuit, gardening is for gamblers, risk takers & experimentalists 
  • it is play disguised as work
  • 'cause you get better at it as you age, unlike so many things... no child prodigy gardeners!

Container garden mid sized flowering plants plant in odd numbers

  • to share in the circle of things birth, growth, decline, rebirth
  • find it more challenging than interior design - a sofa won't just wither up & die one day for no reason
  • it is art and I am the sculptor, the painter & the choreographer 
  • makes me freer 
  • turns me into a magician, tricking gnarled roots into roses and seeds into salads

Spring decor lettuce and carrot planter

  • it is not for poseurs - can't fake it
  • teaches me patience - well, keeps trying to teach me patience
  • I love the smell of dirt
  • to really look at the little things, like worms
  • life long learning
  • I have never met another gardener I didn't like
  • for the hummingbirds & the bees

Magnolia flower with bee

  • puts my soul to the soil
  • helps me breath deeply
  • tires my body & energizes my mind

Container garden mid sized flowering plants plant in odd numbers

  • to make things beautiful
  • the sleep after a full day in the garden is like no other
  • simply because it makes me happy!

Another thing about gardening that makes me really happy is my collaboration with Monrovia.

Monrovia, our nations best grower of beautiful & healthy plants, has partnered with me!  

Monrovia has provided all the plants for my white garden.

My Soulful Home and Monrovia are creating a showcase garden at my 129 year old house.  Talk about my old girl coming ALIVE! It is going to be spectacular!

Gardening with Monrovia plants almost feels like cheating, as their plants are so well tended and healthy.   Monrovia plants give any gardener, seasoned or newbie, a head start.  

Monrovia growers

I am grateful for the Monrovia partnership, grateful for the headstart and very grateful for the friendships that have stemmed  (excuse the pun!) from this collaboration.

Me & Monrovia ~ together like hand & glove ( gardening glove that is! )

Stay tuned for posts on the design, specific plants, plant care and more.  

And because I bet you all are gardeners, or will be soon after reading my reasons, do yourself a favor and subscribe to the Monrovia newsletter Plant Savvy.  It is a wonderful resource, inspiration and will help with all your gardening questions.

Now tell me...why do you garden?

** Kelly **