Five Tips for Growing Pansies & Voilas
Growing Pansies and Violas adds a bright spot to any winter garden.
They are just adorable with their sweet 'faces' and vibrant colors.
Are you growing them? Can you tell them apart?
This is how you can tell Pansies and Violas apart
Pansies have 4 petals pointing upward and only 1 pointing down.
Violas have 3 petals pointing upward and 2 pointing down.
Both are good for containers, borders and ground covers. Pansies & Violas are treated as annuals, due to their leggy growth, but are very hardy in cold weather.
Tiny & mighty are these plants. The terms "pansy" and "shrinking violet" do not pertain to their namesakes at all.
Tips for Growing Pansies and Violas
1. Start seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before you plan on transplanting them or buy flats at the garden center.
2. Plant in moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil.
3. Pansies like sun and cooler temperatures.
4. Water your regularly even though it is cold out. Avoid the petals & leaves and water only the soil if possible. ( you might be thirsty, but don't want your 'clothes' wet - neither do pansies or violas )
5. Remove faded/dead flowers to prolong blooming and encourage more flowers to grow.

Pansies and Violas are easy care cold weather flowers that will brighten up your garden all winter and into spring.
Add some of these darling 'faces' to your beds & containers.
Can you tell me which is this, a Pansy or Viola? No checking back at the top!

I can't help but smile when I look at these flowers!
If you are enjoying my Podcast another episode went out this morning. It is all about spring decorating.
Click the arrow below to listen. Then visit Decorating Tips and Tricks to learn about this week's give away!
** Kelly **