How to Decorate a Bookcase - holiday style
I like to nip & tuck…Nip a bit of greenery & tuck in a little Christmas that is.It doesn't take a whole lot of time, effort or stuff to transform your home for the holidays.Once you have a great foundation, you can nip & tuck in the holidays.
Remember my How to Decorate a Bookcase post?
The one wherein (left over lawyer word) I likened decorating a bookcase to building a legal case.Dudes, the seminal post on the foundations of a great bookcase design!
In case memory fails, here is the foundation of a gorgeous bookcase design:
- a central theme
- color & texture threaded throughout
- something unexpected
- a grounding spot for the eye to rest
- and, a bit of drama
Once you have the basic foundation of your bookcase you can swap out elements seasonally or on a whim.For a holiday bookcase design, just add a bit of vintage.A snip or two of green.
Maybe a few words.
An iconic (awesome word, right?) Christmas item.
…even if you think he is a bit creepy, but your kids like him.And, you've got it!A bookcase that subtly says Christmas without changing the foundation.
It took 10 minutes to add in the holiday spirit.Build a solid foundation & you can change it up whenever the spirit or season moves you.
Go ahead nip & tuck!** Kelly **